our projects

We provide support and positive influences to essential community groups and individuals who fall through the crack of government or corporate funding. 

What motivates the Foundation?

How we give back

Current Project

The Make a Difference Foundation is a dedicated group of people whose community value is underpinned by Gratitude, Generosity and Kindness. By utilising our influence and network we can support champion groups with time, donations and skills.

Community support groups are not just in need of funding often they require assistance with implementation from a practical point of view such as building, environmental enhancement, human resources and training. Along with our partners, Make a Difference Foundation is always seeking partnerships to assist in making a difference.


Flinders Foundation is a major advocate for the Child Protection Services facility based at the Flinders Medical Centre. This facility requires major assistance in transforming the current ” clinical” environment to one that creates a more comforting, safer and caring place for kids. We are proud to be contributing significantly to making this become a reality